Connecting 1.3 Million UK Patients with Global Research
100% of the commercial recruitment is paid directly to Healthcare providers.
We negotiate the best fee on your behalf, with our pre-approved researchers.
We require no access to patient data at any point.
Joining us is free and it takes just seconds.

Bridging Healthcare Research and Technology
Whether it's improving patient health or addressing genetic concerns, we selectively engage for positive outcomes. The use of centrally coordinated UK patient data allows research teams to look at trends, markers, illnesses and health conditions like never before.
The journey starts here!
The Process
We find research opportunities from our approved organisations. We let you know in advance what’s being planned. You opt IN or OUT, as the trial / study moves forward we’ll provide the key information you need. When selection criteria and logistics are confirmed, your team will review your patient data for suitable participants, we then put you in touch with the research team. We negotiate the best commercial recruitment fee which is paid directly to you.
Who we work with
Endless Possibilities for UK Patients
Brining endless possibilities to recruit widescale NHS and private patients, for research now and in the future. Our initial plan to store patient data was a concern for many GPs. After much thought, we realised, the moment an EHR is ingested to a 3rd party system, it's already out of date. You will only upload patient data once the study / trial is active. Our researchers will provide a secure portal during start-up, this is a significantly better, easier and safer approach.
Our unique value proposition
Clinically Operated
Technology Driven
At TrialChoices, we believe to be successful, bringing real choices and hope, we need a mix of Tech and Medical. We have an outstanding Advisory board, with representation from Tech industry leaders and respected Medical voices from some of the UK's finest institutions.
Extensive Screening
Of Research Partners
We provide extensive and detailed screening of all Research partners. We will share this information with you, once you subscribe.
Patient Interests First
We’re Different
We know that there are other organisations already in the UK trial recruitment space but we will work differently, with openness and transparency. With 1000s of global trials each year. we’ll find our niche and collaborate where we can.